Monday, January 31, 2011

School Drama is Back!

It's been building for Jacob since the new semester started.  He didn't want to change teachers in TAG.  There are 2 teachers.  They each teach 1/2 of a semester.  He loved the first teacher and didn't change.  No, he didn't hear anything bad about the other teacher.  Yes, he thought she was probably nice.  Yes, the kids who had her the 1st semester liked her.   Of course, it went fine, and he loves this TAG teacher just as much as the other.

Then we had our extended Snow Day (which turned in to a week - in case you forgot).  It was really hard with Jacob going back to school.  He started in again with "why do kids not have any Rights?" and "why do parents get to make all the rules?"  and "home come kids can't do anything they want to do?".  It's gotten a little worse each week. 

But - now that he really has some homework due - a book report Thursday, the Hypothesis to his Science Project on Wednesday, and the American Revolution Test on Friday - we had the BIG MELTDOWN today.  From the second I picked him up until after I had the Mom version of the "come to Jesus" talk.  I mean - we even had BIG, Jacob size tears that went all over his homework.

Ugh!  Matthew is right!  They need to just do what we tell them and keep quiet.

Went to the doctor today for my first physical in a long time.  No offense to other family members who are enjoying their age - but this getting old is really not a lot of fun.  I am too young to be getting old!

Here is Jacob after the attitude change working on the book report:

Here is Layne - looking like Cousin It - playing with the microphone:  (man I can't wait until her hair is long enough to donate to Locks of Love - it is driving me crazy!!!!!)

Here is Joshua playing with his Leapster - it is the perfect Nintendo DS and he is having a lot of fun with it right now:

I think we have survived to make it to another day.

Happy Birthday Grandmom / Mom / Susan from all the Atlanta Ganotes - we love you and miss you!!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lego Day

Melanie had been promising Mitchell a trip to the Lego store since before Christmas.  Today he could wait no longer.

We all went - Grandma, Papa Jack, Melanie, Matthew, Me, Layne, Jacob, Marisa, Mitchell, and Joshua.  Two cars to go to the Leg store.

Jacob wanted to get a kit to build Darth Vader - we said "No", of course.  It is huge!

Melanie got each of the kids a "surprise" lego package.

Jacob got an Indian to put together:

Joshua got a Rapper - complete with microphone and boom box:

Then they played pin the jellyfish on Sponge Bob:

Joshua said he "didn't like jellyfish" but he sure had fun watching them play:

Then we came home for homework for Layne and Jacob and a very cranky, very tired Joshua.  He just got put in Time Out for the 3rd time this evening.  Thankfully Matthew has some patience tonight.
Hopefully bedtime soon.

Slow, Hectic, Slow

The day started off slowly, kids got up and headed downstairs.  Josh was in a bit of a mood, but settled as the day progressed.  We went to the Lego store and all the kids got some lego's and had a wonderful time.  Then back to Jack and Judy's house for lunch and some more cake...and some of "Aunt Melanie's Cheese Dip".  Melanie is now famous for her delicious cheese dip.

Back home now and things are winding down, finishing homework and resting.  Yesterday is catching up with me right now, very tired.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Basketball and Birthdays

Layne had basketball today - they won 13 to 12 - whoo hoo!!!

Can't you hear the coaches yelling "Hands up!"????

Marisa had a birthday today - she turned 9 years old.   Happy Birthday Marisa!

Scott Sardonia had a birthday today - he turned 48 years old.  Happy Birthday Uncle Scott!

Susan Ganote had a birthday party today - she turns 70 years old on Monday, January 31, 2011.  I didn't get a picture of this one.  I doubt Matthew did either as I had the camera with me.  And I lost my brand new camera I got for Christmas already.

It was a big day for everyone!  Nathan and Joshua seemed to be telling each other secrets a good portion of the day.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Getting ready for Bingo at Ocee

I hope I remember the camera.

Forgot the camera, but the kids had a great time.  Three BINGO's among the five of us.  We met Divya and her Dad at the school.  It was a good evening, as one of the students said into the mic "Ocee Bingo Rocks!"

A nice story, one of the teachers, Mr. Herman, who is also a Michigan man so you know he's cool, was the Bingo caller.  There was a raffle for an xbox and he obviously had entered.  Several times through out the night when calling the game he'd say "I...I want to win the xbox raffle" or "B, sure would BE nice if I won that xbox.", O...OH, that xbox would be great in our house."  And more letter calling along those lines.  Well who do you think won the xbox...Mr. Herman.  It just made you feel good, and happy for him.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Something Different for All

All three within ten feet of one another, yet each is doing his or her own thing, kinda cool.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

She takes care of all of us

This is the note that Layne left for Matthew this morning.  She made him waffles, had them sitting out, the butter and syrup on the counter.  And this note - for him not to forget his lunch.

It's a good thing Layne is here to keep us all on track.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Icky, dreary, rainy, cold day here in metro Atlanta.

Horrible accidents this morning on GA 400 and took me almost 2 hours to get to work.  Ugh!!!!

Busy day for the whole family.  Matthew is very busy at work - but he was able to pick up the kids for us and go pay Prime Time at the YMCA.  Whoo Hooo we didn't have to pay for the week of snow - so February actually seems affordable.

Layne has been working very hard on her book report for school this week that is due on Friday.  She even started over a week ago to work on it all on her own.  She is creating a board game for the book that she read. At least tonight she was clean while working on it!

Jacob got an extension from his teacher and his book report isn't due until next week.  He is going to do a book jacket on the book he read.  He has a hard time doing the book report because by the time he gets around to doing the assignment he has already read at least 3 other books!  He definitely is using the "working under pressure" method of completing assignments.

Joshua had another good day at school.  He told Grandma yesterday when she picked him up that he was "glad she was home".

Here is Jacob trying to keep Joshua in the picture for me tonight:

Monday, January 24, 2011

Our Family Chef

His specialty is Pancakes and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.

We pulled out his chef hat and apron that he got for Christmas last year so Joshua could help with the baking this year.  He really loves to cook.  All 3 of the kids have enjoyed cooking / helping in the kitchen at one time.  But, Joshua seems to really have an interest.

His chef hat is a little too small this year - but we made it work.

We need to work on expanding his culinary skills.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pinewood Derby and Basketball

Yes, missed yesterdays entry, so today will have double the juicy tibits as usual.

Yesterday we had our first real basketball game and it was at the Baptist church, and man can they jazz up a youth basketball game.  They announce all the players individually as they enter through a draped banner with background music.  Then have a halftime show with cheerleaders and loud music plays during the substitutions to keep the crowd energized.  It was simply amazing and at the same time depressing when you realize our church does none of that.  The game was really good.  Layne played pretty well, she is still a bit reserved on the court, but doing better.  We lost, but it was close and the team was impressive for only having had two practices.

Today was equally impressive for Jacob and the Pinewood Derby.  We turned his car in yesterday for the race today.  It weighed the max 5oz. allowable and looked the part to boot.  Jacob was not too terribly excited about the race or the fact that we had to wear the uniform, but his resistance wasn't up to his usual so I let it go.  I felt good about our chances of doing well, at least within his den...there are only five kids, and on top of that one kid didn't even do a car, the top three get a trophy.  Jacob's den's race came up and I was feeling very nervous, the good kind.  The race started and all of a sudden one of the cars stopped a third of the way down the track.  YESSS! I knew we were a lock for a trophy, at the same time feeling really bad for the kid who's car didn't get to the finish line.  We went through all the heats and Jacob finished third each time....trophy.  Then they announced the categories for "Most Scout Like", "Most Patriotic",  and "Most Race Car Like".  Here's the part where Jennifer gets credit.  She bought a kit to help out with time, the kit looks like an Indy Car, can't get much more race car like than that.  Several other cars had a good race car likeness, but Jacob's just screamed RACE CAR.  Kinda felt a tad like cheating, but I wasn't going to say anything if no one else did.  The category winners were announced and Jacob won "Most Race Car Like".  TWO TROPHIES, he was going home with two trophies.

The guy was beaming with pride.  We all felt so good for him.  I think he felt really good about having some hardware to compete with Layne's sports trophies.  We took pictures and he had to figure out how to hold the car and two trophies, now that's a nice problem to have and he loved it.  You could tell his excitement, he was actually talking about next year's car.  He'd obviously forgotten about the thousands of times he told me that this was his last year, don't sign him up again!  No, he was proud and excited about doing a car for next year, and to top that, he wants to do most scout like, go figure.  The new additions are already proudly on display along side his soccer trophy on the boy's shelf.

Our busy weekend paid off in spades.

Friday, January 21, 2011

No Time

Layne wanted to know why I was so mad.  I told her I wasn't mad, I just venting.  I went off on not having enough time to do anything.  I had to work late and brought the kids with me.  They had a blast of course running around the warehouse, but we didn't get home until almost 10,  I had picked them up at 6, got some food and headed to work.  Just felt like four hours gone.  We actually had a good night, dinner at Chili's then work, all three were so excited, then we got home and I looked at the kitchen, then the family room, then the laundry, then the boys bedroom, then our bedroom, thought of basketball tomorrow and the pinewood derby, just overwhelmed me.
Layne told me that I still had time to get stuff done tonight, she was so trying to help.  I explained that I could, but was really tired and wanted some time to watch tv or get on the computer and then I could do those things and that was why mom and I are always up so late and rarely get anything done.  I felt like she actually understood me, and in a weird way I even felt better talking to her about it, and feeling better still, writing about it.  Now the piles on piles of crap are still there, laundry is still waiting on me, basketball roster still needs to be planned out, just not as worried about it as I was when we got home.

Not Much New (1-20-11)

Well missed it again, but this is Thursday's post.  Not much to post about really.  Jennifer was the church meeting and I took all three to Taco Bell where they devoured everything.  Jacob and Layne must be on a growth spurt, can't keep them fed.

Got Jennifer packed up for a scrapbook weekend in Knoxville and I will have all three the coming weekend.  Jack has offered to help wherever he can, I may take him up on it if and when I hit that wall.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday Night dinner again....

This was the first Wednesday Night Dinner at church since before Christmas.  The church cancelled last week's due to the snow.  I didn't even try the roast beef - but Jacob loved it and Matthew ate okay.  Layne ate everything on her plate - hot dog, apple sauce, chips, and then had a full salad.  Joshua was too wound up to do anything.  He love being with Zackary and Lauren - and they are the reason we went to dinner tonight.  The Gilberts had not gone at all last Fall as Zackary was in football and Lauren was doing cheer.

I was a little worried as Zackary was going to choir and Jacob and Layne were going to Clues Crew with Karen Hickey and Rev. Jenna.  Wasn't sure about the "separation".  But Jacob and Layne could not wait to get to Clues Crew.   I am not even sure they said good-bye to Zackary.

This evening was also the first time in a long time that I was able to sit and talk to Wendy.  It was good.  I miss her.

Very busy this week at work with patient calls.  I think with everyone holed up last week no one had 2 seconds to think about prescription refills, or scheduling exams, or those questions they needed to ask.  Non-stop phone calls the past 2 days.

Tomorrow is another make-up day.  Layne's GS Meeting was rescheduled from last week for tomorrow.  And the UMW Board meeting was moved from last Thursday to tomorrow night.  At least with all of the rescheduling - we had a lot of parents who said they were not able to come to Support Group tomorrow - so we did go ahead and cancel.

Spent the day trying to please everyone - knowing that someone somewhere was going to get upset with my decisions.  Some decisions are more difficult than others - especially when it is family that means so much to you.  We love our families - thanks so much for putting up with us!

I will try and work this weekend on adding some pictures.  I will let you know when I do, though so that everyone knows when to backtrack.  I have been able to do the blog on the laptop up in our bedroom - but all of the pictures are on the desktop Mac in the office.  See - life just doesn't come together like it should at times.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Not A Nine Year Old Anymore

Holy crap am I paying for my physical exploits of yesterday.  I guessed I might be sore and this morning was such a rush I'm not sure I noticed it, but when I got to work and started trying to move around...the guys actually laughed at me because I was moving so slow and awkwardly.  It got better through out the day, but taking some Aleve tonight.  Layne was tired after the practice, but no ill side effects, oh to be young again.

We've got to start taking some pictures and getting them posted too, all this reading is getting boring (and it takes a long time).

Monday, January 17, 2011

Looonnngg Day (MLK 2011)

     Vacation day for some, but it was a long day for me.  Started off well enough, we'd gotten a lot done yesterday and the hope was to get more done today, Layne and I even had a numbered list.  Part of my going in to work yesterday was I knew I'd have to watch Layne and Joshua today (Jacob was still at Connor's) this let me stay ahead of the curve on our jobs, that part was successful (at least that I know of), the rest of the day didn't quite pan out as I'd hoped.  Got up decently, had breakfast, hung out a little then showered, wanted to work on the kitchen, but Layne's Girl Scout cookies are due so we went to Gramma's to get the sheet and go door to door.  She actually sold some cookies so that worked out pretty well.
     The next part of our plan was to get some lunch, the problem with the plan was that I tried to let the kids have a say in where we ate.  It became a let's go here for me then, here for your food, and this place for his food.  That put me over the edge, I was tired of chauffeuring the kids around.  We were gonna eat at one place and that was it, no one liked my suggestions, "If you go there I am not going to eat, I'll just stay in the car."  I gave in and we picked up two tacos for Layne, went home and Josh and I had leftovers.  By now it was pushing 2:30 and we still had to get Jacob,  and Layne and I had basketball practice at 5:00.
     Pick Jacob up at 3:30 and go to Jacks' and Judy's.  I am getting major attitude from Jacob because I am making him leave Connor's house.  Did I say major, I meant MAJOR.  Drop off Jacob and Joshua at Gramma's house where Jacob pretty much just crashes and goes to sleep.   I am actually excited about basketball so Layne and I head over to the church early to shoot around before practice starts.
     We get there too early, no lights are in the gym, luckily one goal is up but it's ten feet (the girls play on nine).  We make the best of it and use the little bit of light coming in through the doorway and practice shooting for ten minutes or so.  The guy comes in turns the lights on, but his buddy that helps him setup isn't there, so I help him move all the basketball goals into position.  Boy howdy, if you want a thigh workout, try pushing these goals around the gym, holy cow.  We finished setting up and Layne says "Dad you're sweating."  "Yeah I'm sweating, we just pushed these monster goals all over the gym.".  Honestly I enjoyed the workout, but hadn't anticipated being that tired before practice even started.  The practice went really well, some of the girls are really getting how to shoot, still a ways to go, but it's nice to see improvement.
     Pick up Jacob and Josh, still attitude from Jacob, and not having learned my lesson, was going to try and take all three out to dinner, and still getting the I want this, and I want that.  So we head home and have mac'n cheese (they have no idea the treat they are missing eating out).  But before I can even make the dinner, and this is in the era of the microwave, I send Jacob to his room with no food.  I stayed calm, no yelling, no lost temper, but I'd had enough of the attitude and not listening, and Joshua wasn't too far behind.  Oddly (or not), when one kid is really acting up, one (or both) of the others seems to really be good and helpful, and Layne was working the good kid right now.  Kind of a blessing, helps keep and even keel and not get too upset.
     Luckily Jennifer comes home at this point and helps keep Layne and Joshua settled and on task.  Jacob eventually comes down and we talk, then Jacob, Jennifer and I talk, and before long we are the happiest family in the world.  Everyone is doing wonderfully, getting clean, not complaining, hugs, kisses, helping the poor, curing was awesome.  But it was a long day to get here. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Busy Day

Busy at work so I ended up going in today and took Joshua with me.  Layne was busy putting up more Christmas and cleaning the family room.  When Josh and got home Layne and I took down the ornaments and the tree.  So we have this big empty spot in the family room, it's just screaming for a large screen hdtv.
Jennifer did christen the crock pot and cooked a pot roast, very tender.  I keep sneaking plates.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Guys....Where Are You"

We are a family that likes to be together.  No matter what room it is, if Jennifer and I go there the kids congregate to hang out with us.  Jennifer was on the computer and I was watching the Kentucky game, within ten minutes Layne and Joshua were with us (Jacob was spending the night at Connor's).  Jennifer and I go upstairs to work on laundry and the bedroom...Layne comes upstairs to work on her room (she's excited about the new room design), from downstairs we hear a loud "Guys...where are you!?".  Jennifer and I just started laughing, sure enough here comes Joshua, and we're all hanging out upstairs.  After out week of snow, it was nice to be together at home.

Much the Same 1-14-2011

Kids are still out of school, dinner with Jack and Judy at their house.  The weekend will be a nice change.  We've got our basketball practice/scrimmage, should have been a game, but the weather made sure that was gonna change, there were no practices this week so it made sense to try and work out something besides playing the game.

And now that I've posted it shows that I am a day late, we need to change the time we can post by.  We never post these things before midnight of that day.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Still Out of School

Well, we missed yesterday's post, but it's much of the same.  Kids stayed with Jack and Judy, Jennifer and I went to work.  We are on day three and the kids are still out of school and they are gonna miss tomorrow too.  The roads have gotten better overall, but the subdivisions are still on the icy side.  Not much new to report other than that.

Okay (mom posting here) I do have something to add.  More pictorial evidence of how to be a Redneck in the snow.  We thought Joshua's shoes were still at Grandma's.  They can't be found at Grandma's so he ended up with a day without shoes.  So in order for him to go outside - Grandma fixed him up with Papa Jack's cowboy boots.  I bet even if we find his shoes he still wants the cowboy boots.

Will have to write about making cookies with Grandma on a snow day tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Did I make it?

Noooooo - I missed it by 5 minutes darnit!  Oh, well.  This is actually my Monday post - so will have to post twice today.  I'm sure everyone can keep up.

For the first time since the blizzard of 1993 Atlanta has pretty much shut down.  I feel incredibly guilty this snow day.  Thinking that, as usual, everyone was panicking again, we took the kids to Grandma and Papa Jack's last night so that everyone could sleep in this morning and have some fun while Matthew and I trudged in to work.

Of course, that didn't happen.  And Matthew and I spent the day here without kids to play with in the snow.  I know - sounds like we should have been happy for a break - but we missed them!

Thankfully Papa Jack sent some pictures from Monday's snow play.  Please pay special attention to the "redneck boots", i.e. Kroger shopping bags over the shoes with rubber bands, and the special "redneck sleds", i.e. the cardboard boxes.  At least they had a good hill at Grandma's house.

They really sounded like they had a good day.

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Xbox

Jennifer is at work and asked me to sign in for the blog.  Can't think of anything new and exciting going on so I'll tell you about my Xbox that died.  Yes, I too was hit with the notorious Red Ring of Death, the RRD.  Pretty sad, it happens so much to older Xboxes that it actually has a name and the name is referred to with initials and people in the community know exactly what you are talking about.  I was the last of all the people at work to have it happen, so I guess it was just my turn.  And as luck would have it it's six months out of warranty, so I'd have to pay to get it fixed.  But never fear payday was here.  It was a longer pay period than usual so that extra moola burning a hole in my pocket came along just in time to get that wonderfully new, quieter, smaller, sleeker Xbox.

A side note on Layne and the International calling card to call Divya in India.  I had suggested Layne call first thing in the morning, 6:30-7, Jennifer kept trying to figure out the best time to call and went to all sorts of web sites, and can you believe it...I'm gonna put this in all caps...she said..."DAD IS RIGHT".  I know you all felt that gravitation shift.  The North Pole moving towards Russia, there's no science behind it, Jennifer acknowledged my correctness, that's what really caused it.  And after being so right about when to call, the phone number Divya gave us to call had been turned off.  I just can't win...well, the new Xbox is pretty sweet.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Already missed a day - grrrr

The kids were up until 10:00 p.m. last night!  Joshua is pulling the "I'm scared of the dark" card and sneaking up to Jacob's bed.  Which then keeps Jacob awake and they start talking.  Haven't my children learned yet that I have some of the best hearing in the world????  Glad that Joshua did not get a nap today and hoping he will go to bed decently - so far so good.

Layne is having a great time back at school.  But she is definitely our routine girl.  She is getting up and making breakfast for the boys the past 2 mornings.  Not sure how long that will last.  We went to Walgreen's tonight to get an International calling card so that she could call Divya tomorrow who has been gone for a month now.

Jacob had his final "God and Country" tonight for Webelos.  They had a pizza party and even though it was Domino's he seemed to survive.

Layne, Joshua and I went to Taco Mac for dinner.  Layne at a whole order of cheese dip with chips and tortillas pretty much all by herself.  Joshua and I had a couple chips each.  Not sure how she does it.

Work has been busy.  I think I am getting more of the responsibility part of the job.  Now we need to work on the other aspect of transitioning the clinical work back to the clinic.  Kind of hard to work on a report for your manager when a patient is calling with seizures and you need to help them!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The day before....

the kids go back to school!  Yeah!

Still can't believe the amount of laundry we have to do - hate laundry.  And yes, I know, "we" don't like the word hate - but in reference to laundry it applies.

We had beautiful weather today.  Sunny and not too cold - near 50.  I was able to Layne and Joshua outside for a little bit.  Jacob may need some vitamin D supplements - although he will drink a ton of milk and probably gets a fair amount.

Tried to get organized a little before going back to work.  With everything we did this weekend I feel like I was out of work wayyyyy longer than 3 days.

I wouldn't let Joshua take a nap - trying to get the kids back on schedule for sleep.  They all slept in late this morning.  Joshua got up at 8:30, Jacob got up at 9:30 and Layne got up at 11:00 a.m.

Met Matthew at Primrose for Joshua's mid-year Pre-K evaluation.  They said one of the only times they have any problems with Joshua is when he isn't able to sit by Haley for lunch.  None of us have ever heard him mention Haley before....hmmmmm.  We told him that Joshua talks about Santiago, Malachi and Morgan - to which the teachers said "well those are the personalities in our room".  Really - could he be "hanging with the popular kids" even at age 4?   Joshua is going to give us a run for our money.  He is doing well and on target for everything.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Another Big Day

Woke up to Matthew's cell phone alarm.  Totally freaked Melanie out.  We slept together in the Murphy bed.  We sent Matthew in to the kid's room to try and keep these under control.  I don't know what we were thinking!  Matthew and Joshua were the only ones asleep at midnight.  Melanie and I took turns going in and playing "mean Mommy".

Papa Jack went downstairs and got coffee for himself and me and brought up a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

We went to the water park for one last hour of play.  It was great when we first got there and there were only  handfuls of people.  Got to play in the wave pool and bob around in the waves.  And today it was not nearly as cold.

Melanie was able to get Mitchell to go down the one of the tube rides.  Yeah!  The last riders were Layne, Grandma, Aunt Melanie and Mitchell.  (Layne and Mitchell being the most reluctant of the group).  It was a great way to end the morning.

Got back to the room and had to rush to get everyone dressed and packed up.  Matthew and Layne left separately to get back in time for Matthew to coach the first basketball practice and Layne to attend.  It sounds like it went well.  Layne was very excited.

The rest of us ate at Friday's.  And we all really ATE.  None of us got very much to eat the night before and we were all playing hard in the water park.

We hit the road right after.  Being in Sevierville added another hour onto our trip.  Needed to get back and start organizing Life.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2

Signing in.

Melanie signed in for me last night so that I could make it 2 days with updates.

We got up with the goal of getting to Sevierville for the Indoor Water Park.  We cleaned up the house a little, packed up a lot, ate leftover yummy ham and potato salad - and got in the car by 1:00 p.m.

We got to the hotel by 2:30 and they upgraded us to a 2 bedroom suite and let us check in right away.

We got to the waterpark as soon as everything got in the room and everyone got changed.  Ate dinner and back to the waterpark until it closed at 8:00 p.m.

Came up to the room and had cake for Mitchell's birthday and he opened up some "great" clothes that he always wanted - NOT - and a few toys.  Of course, the best toy came from Grandma - AGAIN.

All the kids absolutely love being in a hotel.

Had to wait and talk up the tube slides with Layne.  She wouldn't go down until after dinner - and then, of course, had a fabulous time and we couldn't get her to stop.  Joshua would do anything that his Daddy said he could do.  He loved the water tube slide as much as anyone.

They also had a wave pool (which would have been better if it had not been freezing).  Joshua would've spent hours in there -except he got so cold and was shivering.

It's 10:30 p.m. and the kids are finally quiet.  Will have to add pictures later.

Happy Birthday 6th Birthday Mitchell!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Welcomed the New Year in with giving Jacob and Layne showers. They were kind of stinky after 6 days without a bath/shower. Jacob smelled like a boy - ewwwwwwww.

Matthew and I went to dinner with Melanie's friends. My mom and dad joined us. We went to the Chop House for dinner and then saw Tron in 3D afterwards. The movie was interesting. Melanie and I decided that we would call it "Flynn Lebowski". Since we got to hear "you are messing with my Zen, dude".

I didn't get a kiss from my husband :( But I got 2 of 3 clean kids :) I will start out the New Year being grateful for all Blessings.

I am grateful for clean kids with clean hair. Makes hug much better!