Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cub Scout Camping (3-26)

We learned a lot this campout, some new things and some lessons learned by trial and error (scary, rainy, wet errors).  You can see our tent location, looks pretty decent doesn't it.  There is a stream about 40 feet behind the tent, we knew it was supposed to rain this weekend, just thought all the water would run off into the stream, it might expand with rain, but not overflow and wash away the tent... no, this was a good spot.
Mr. Boyer (Jacob's Den leader) showed Jacob some different knots to tie and then Jacob and Alex (a fellow member of the Den and Mr. Boyer's son) would use those knots and put up a tarp and make a tent/shelter.  They did a really good job, we even used the tarp to sit under during a light dusting of rain.  Both pieces withstood some rain and kept us dry, they actually did a good job with their knots.  Jacob can now tie a square knot, double hitch, and taught line (and so can I).

The rain held off most of the day and the boys got to play all sorts of games.  There was "The Blob", the blob started with three boys holding hands, they would then chase the remaining boys and tag them, once tagged, they became a part of the blob.  This was Jacob's favorite.

They then moved onto make parachutes for green army men, a tad tedious, but still enjoyed.  Then some kick the can.  Loads of fun with this one, and they got it pretty quick.  Next was the balloon toss.  Jacob and his partner finished in a tie for first place so they had a toss off where the distance between throws got 15'-20'.  These were some tuff balloons because they were rarely caught, just hit the ground (and not burst).

Bean Bag Toss was up next.  Jacob did pretty well at this one.  He was the only boy all day to skip the bag off the ground and into the hole.

The boys finished with turtle soccer, while standing up they form a circle and spread their legs until their foot touched the boy next to them.  The leader would introduce a soccer ball into the circle and the boys would try, with one hand only, to hit ball through the legs of another boy.  When that happened that boy was out and the circle got smaller.  This was murder on the adult's hamstrings when they played with the kids.

We went back to the tent to chill out for a while and get ready for the flag ceremony.  I must say I enjoyed the new larger tent, even though Jacob looked like he was in a comatose nightmare.  On the way to the flag ceremony there was a massive lightning strike about a quarter mile from where we were walking, just a taste of what was coming later that night.  At that point it was everyone back to the camp site and hunker down until dinner and the bonfire and skits.  For dinner both Jacob and Alex signed up for some dish washing.  This was a picture I just had to get, Mom wouldn't believe it even if I told her.

Jacob and Alex did a pick pocket skit that was pretty funny.  Luckily the rain held off for most of the Cub and Boy Scout skits.  Then it was back to the tent and ready for bed.  Again, we knew it was going to rain and even storm a bit, but not sure anyone knew what we were really in for by staying.  Well, maybe a couple people (or even entire packs) because they went home.  We knew we were under a tornado watch, but that's not too terrible.  All the adults with their smart phones were watching the massive storms headed our way from Alabama (that's actually very cool that they can do that).  The adults and kids separated and the adults talked about staying or leaving with the impending weather headed right at us.  To say the majority decided to stay isn't quite fair because there was only about ten or twelve adults left and of those two decided to pack up.  But we were gonna stick it out.

WOW!, a massive thunderstorm in a tent in the woods is very, very scary.  Did I say scary, I meant SCARY!  Very intense and the sounds were unlike any storm I've ever heard.  I wish there was a way to describe it, but there just isn't.  Two huge cells rolled over us, one at 1am the other at 4am.

We clearly made it, but it was an experience I'd rather have not had.  One of the dad's in the morning said he was gonna kiss his house when he got home.  Another talked about just pulling the sleeping bag over his head and if they died, they died.  Thinking about it, what are you going to do, pack up and head home.

Well, my thought out tent location wasn't so well thought after all.  The tent was surrounded by water and we slept on the original waterbed.  A large pocket of water had formed under the tent.  Guess we were in a lower spot then I realized, more thought will go into the next tent location.  The tent had done a great job though, no leaks at all, condensation yes, but no rain or water leaks.  We packed up and headed home, a little wet, a little muddy, and a little wiser.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Huck Finn

Jacob had a book report due today, it was on The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn.  To give his report he was to dress as a character from the book and describe what the book was about.  While he looked the role to a tee, he hadn't finished the book.  He's read at least four other books since he started on Twain's classic, but he never finished it.  So we told him to read the first and last pages of each chapter to get by (such parenting skills).  I think he did ok, guess we'll find out.  Layne's report is tomorrow and she is doing puppets.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sneezing World Record

Don't know what the record is for sneezing, but I think I broke it today.  We got our new tent out and tested in the yard, a good idea...and a bad idea.  The tent went up great and the kids really enjoyed playing in it, but being outside near the ground was awful for my allergies, ballistic sneezes, one after the other, uh, driving me nuts.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

So It Begins

Allergy season is upon us, my twenty sneezes in a row on our way to church let me know that I really needed to take an allergy pill today.  We met Jacob and Layne at church after their sleepover at Wendy's, they had a good time and were well behaved.
We picked up a new soccer ball for Layne and new sneaker for Jacob.  The old soccer ball is still missing and Jacob's current sneakers smell like a decaying body.
The allergy pill made me on the tired side all day, so didn't get much done, still tired typing this, so it's off to bed.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Busy Saturday

Marisa stayed over last night and the three big kids slept in Jacob's room and Josh slept with me and Jennifer.  The big kids were really good, they were only told to be quiet three times, I think that's a record.

Today was Layne's first soccer game and we had to go through our usual first game of the season ritual of not wanting to play and really struggling to even associate with her teammates.  She is doing better, because we actually got her out there by the second half, and of course she did great and had a wonderful time.  Upon arriving home I felt the need, the need for speed (only some will get that line).  Jennifer bought Top Gun and we have been playing it full volume on the blue ray player.  Josh got into it and he put on the helmet to fit the role.

Jacob and Layne are staying the night at Zack's house so Josh has us all to himself.  He got out his pirate stuff from Disney, plus his makeup pen from Halloween, let's just say it's a good thing we are already getting rid of the carpet or that boy would have been in some trouble.  He had a great time in the garb though.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We've Been Bad

Haven't had a post in a week, and it's not like nothing is going on.  We had Judy's birthday party on Monday, for which Joshua got to pick out the cake.  Nothing like a Transformers cake that says "Happy Birthday Grandma".  Melanie, Marisa, and Mitchell are here for their spring break and Layne and Jacob have been taking the bus to Jack and Judy's house after school this week.  Although on Monday they pulled a Dad and didn't get off the bus when they were supposed to (I did that on my first day of school too).  Judy chased them down in the minivan and the bus driver stopped and let them off.  Then there is the excitement of Grandmom's surgery today (she's doing fine).   Been busy at work as has Jennifer, and we've had a full week and it's only Wednesday.

Ugghh, falling asleep as I'm typing, gonna go to bed.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday

Jennifer and I talked about letting the kids skip church activities tonight, we could get them all a bath and get them to bed at a decent time.  In talking with the kids, they were disappointed about not going to church.  So now church is back on.  Until I get home with the kids and they decide that staying would be better, but by now Jennifer has gotten ready for church, so we are all back on for Ash Wednesday.  The kids quickly are re-excited about church and off we go.  All three are now proud of their ashen foreheads.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Don't Know What To Do About Josh

That boy is out of control.  Picking him up from Jack and Judy's he wouldn't get in the van.  He kept running around, thinking it was funny, but he knew what he was doing the whole time.  Then after dinner, Jacob was in one of the chairs playing his DS and Joshua wanted the chair and for Jacob to move.  Some minor back and forth arguing with no resolve and Joshua just hauls off and punches Jacob square in the face, then just stood there.  Like he was waiting for Jacob to vacate the seat.  He didn't run like most do when they knew they did something wrong.  Joshua didn't even balk at having hit Jacob, just unbelievable.  Jennifer and I were and are so mad.

I took Joshua to his room and put him in bed, closed the door and left.  He cried, screamed, all sorts of stuff, but we left him there and tended to Jacob.  Eventually heading up to make sure Josh stayed in his room.  I think he just went to sleep, but man, what a rotten thing to do.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ooooo, That Joshua

Jennifer was driving the boys home from swimming and Joshua said he had to pee really bad to the point which he started crying he had to go so bad.  Jennifer pulled into a turning lane and drove around two cars then back into traffic, pulled into the turn lane for the house early and sped past another group of cars.  Only to get home and have Joshua not run to the bathroom, but fiddle around getting stuff out of the car and play with stuff in the garage.  We all came inside except Josh, who decided to go to the end of the drive way, pull down his pants and pee in the street.  Jennifer seemed to have a motherly suspicion and caught him in the act.  After a whole lot of tears and some serious pouting he was an angel the rest of the night, that is until bedtime.  He then acted up again and didn't listen when told not touch Mom's and Dad's stuff.  Not sure what we're gonna do with that boy.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Joshua Marred for Life

It was horrible, his ear looked like raw hamburger attached to the side of his head, I had to look away for fear of becoming sick.  The boys' hair had gotten a little long so earlier in the day Judy had given them a trim.  She wielded those blades of fury and went all Barber of Seville on Josh, luckily Jacob was spared (his hair does look nice though).  I nearly fainted when I first saw it, the sight was overwhelming, blood and sinew everywhere.  It was so bad the governor called out the National Guard to make sure an immediate path to the hospital was available.
He even scrambled two fighters to protect the air space and make sure there were no additional threats to this poor, maimed, defenseless little boy.

A State of Emergency had been declared, the trauma was just that severe.  Police, Fire, Ambulance, service was left idle in coming to the aid of Joshua Edwin Ganote.

The vigil to save this poor young man went on into the night, and not a soul left the scene.  The outpouring of support was overwhelming.  Well wishes came in from across the globe.

Eventually the bleeding was stopped and the appendage reattached.  One of the surgeons said Joshua was putting on a brave face after the reconstructive surgery, but that the damage done was too severe to ever fully heal.  He was quoted saying "John Merrick would have an easier time blending in with society than this poor child will have."

Now if you are ready I will present this image of illicit audacity to flesh, look if you dare!  It is one of the most horrific sights you will witness, you've been warned.