Sunday, October 30, 2011


Waiting for Halloween. 

Matthew and Jacob are at the church right now for a Den meeting for Boy Scouts.  When they get back they plan on going back over to Grandma and Papa Jack's to keep working on the Halloween decorations.  Layne has made plans for Divya to come over and help them out, too.

It is a beautiful day here.  Blue skies and sunny.  Although it is still on the cold side.  But that just adds to the fun of fall for me.

Joshua is doing much better in school with his behavior right now.  He has stayed on Green for over a week. I let him pick out a new car / truck from Target this week.  He was very thoughtful on getting just the right truck - and very grateful for the treat.  I will meet with his EIP teacher, Mrs. Tepper, next week Friday morning.  Hopefully Matthew will be able to attend also.  His formal neuropsychological testing will take place December 15, 2011.  We will tell Joshua when it gets closer to the date.

Layne is still doing well in school and able to keep track of herself and her assignments.  The only thing she has missed was reading another book this month for the "2 books a month" list they have to track.  These 2 books are outside of the book reports each month.  Each book must also be an AR test and they must take the AR test in order to also "prove" they have read the book.  She was up late on Thursday trying to finish a book in order to take her test.  But - other than that - she seems to be keeping up all on her own.

Jacob of course, has slid again into the "I hate it school, it's stupid" and the oh-so-fun "kids should have rights, why don't kids have any rights?".  Matthew just laughs at that arguments. We set up a deal for him to get all As this past grading period, and of course, he got a B in math.  His teachers are convinced that he would easily have an A if he thought about his answers a little more.  He still tends to make easy mistakes that seem to be lack of attention.  So I am not ready to give him a break yet in math.  He is unhappy that he did not earn his reward and has told me that I am "kind of mean".

Here is Layne at a recent soccer game - knees locked, standing there, and it looks like she is yelling and telling everyone else what to do - hmmmm.....

Here is Joshua showing off the Monster Box he made at Lowe's a couple weekends ago - he loves taking those classes -

Here is Jacob multi-tasking - reading a book and playing monopoly - if only he could apply these skills to his school work......

We are going to go to Briers North tonight after dark.  They are a victorian neighborhood in Dunwoody that has everyone in the neighborhood decorate their houses.  I can't even begin to describe the decorations.  Maybe we will get some pictures - but it is so hard after dark.  We shall see.

We are so excited and happy that Grandmom is home!  I talked to her Friday night and she sounds wonderful. 

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