Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Price of New Carpet

Yes, the carpet is in, but the house is an absolute disaster.  I know I've said the house was a disaster before, but this... this on a biblical level, this could put us on the show "Hoarders".  Want to sit down and eat at the table, well there is a path that can get you to the table, but you'd need a chair five feet high to reach the top of the stacked piles.  Our bathroom didn't fair much better.  Some stuff has been put back so it doesn't look as bad as the kitchen.  Looks like we've got a dirty clothes monster growing in the tub.  "Don't Walk, Run from... The Dirty Clothes Blob... in theaters just in time for Christmas."  It's making for an interesting holiday season this year, but we'll pull it off, we always do somehow.

We are leaving it like this for a reason, we want to really get rid of some things and go through it all and keep only the stuff we need and want, the rest goes.  It will be hard for all of us, but this a great opportunity to clean house.  Almost like a fresh start.

The good thing about it all is the carpet.  Jennifer and I like it, but the kids are ecstatic.  They like it so much, the first thing they did when we got home was take off their shoes and go upstairs to see and feel the carpet, then the realization that it's just carpet kicked in and the deity that is tv regained it's dominance.  We'll see how much of the house we can put back in order before Christmas and get decorations out as well.  We don't have any holiday stuff up at all.  Time to crack the whip and get those kids working or I see coal in their future.

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