Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jamestowne - April 5, 2011

We spent a rainy day in Jamestowne and the Jamestowne Settlement.

We saw the statue of John Smith - who did not fall in love and marry Pocahontas - darn that Disney.

 We protected the original settlement by manning the cannons.

 One of us really REALLY liked the cannons (more on that on day 2).

 Only 2 of 3 wanted a picture (in the rain) with the Disney version of Pocahontas.  It was at this point that Joshua decided that he needed to go to potty (again) - because he was hoping he could go outside (can't wait until this phase is over).

We got warm at the Glassblower's House near the Jamestowne Settlement.   It was really neat watching them.  It fascinated them about the colors they could make out of the glass.
Jacob was really fascinated by the science of the glass.  This guy was really nice (he had a personality).  No one else in the Glassblower's spoke to anyone.  The shop manager, with a really heavy Asian accent, came out to "narrate" the process, but none of us could really understand her.

Then we went out to the Jamestown Fort.  The kids had a blast running through the Indian Settlement.  We saw lots of fur pelts, turtle shells that they used for bowls, we watched them start a fire using pinecones and we watched a woman make baskets from wool.  One of the Indian women asked us on or way out which would we rather be "an Indian or a Settler".  The kids answered "a Settler" and her response was, "you don't want to be a Settler, they don't have any food up there".

Next we went to see the Susan Constant, the Elizabeth, and the Godspeed ships that brought the original settlers and cargo to the New World.

On our way to the Fort the kids got to sit in a wooden canoe.


The kids also got to help make a wooden canoe.  They told the kids how they burn the log for about 6 to 7 hours, then they spend days with shells hollowing out the log.

Then we learned how long it took them to load their rifles.  They could shoot approximately 3 times in an hour.  It was really loud and we did keep our hands over our ears. 
Then we watched some men practicing to sword fight with wooden swords and leather hand guards.  For mom and me this man reminded us very much of Mark Young.

Layne took our picture in front of the statues and flags at the end of day in Jamestowne. 

We were exhausted on Tuesday.  We are wiped tonight!!!!

I will have to do Wednesday another day.

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