Saturday, April 9, 2011

Loungy Saturday

The kids and Jennifer were tired from their whirlwind trip and I was tired from bathroom cleaning (and maybe some late night xbox gaming).  We all slept in today.  Jennifer was the last one up and seeing as she wasn't home for her birthday, the kids and I made her a simple breakfast in bed and gave her her birthday cards, them promptly left so she could actually enjoy it.

I took the kids to Pirate's Cove Putt Putt and gave Jennifer some deserved alone time.  The kids had seen a putt putt course in Virginia and really wanted to play.  Jacob and Layne both did really well, they each had a hole in one.  Joshua did great for the first twelve or so holes, and by then he'd had enough.  He had fun just being on the course and seeing all the pirate stuff.

A quick lunch and back home only to have the kids mope around and complain about being bored.  So it was back out and this time to Ocee Park for an hour or so.  Then back home a long walk to Primrose where this discovered "Helicopters".  Not sure what they are really called, but those winged seeds that come off of trees, you throw them up and they spin like a helicopter as the float  back down.  We now have an entire collection for future tosses in the air.

Jacob and Joshua are upstairs watching "Tangled" for the fifth time this week, and Layne and Jennifer are watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding",  Layne had seen part of it while Jennifer was packing and enjoyed, it was on tv, so they get to watch it from the beginning.

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